This post was written by our Director of Behavioural Learning and Head of Perform division, Roger Ayres

“I am rooted, but I flow” – Virginia Woolf.

Setbacks, challenges, and obstacles are part of our lives – especially right now. Many are feeling uprooted through fear and upheaval, and continued uncertainty may have substantial consequences for individuals and organisations. So how can we respond to recover our flow?

Responding rather than reacting is one-way. Reaction is instinctive and doesn’t require a lot of thinking. Response is thoughtful, realistic and (hopefully) hopeful. If this can be translated into determination and focus, flow can begin again.

Personally, we can work on resilience through the decisions we make about looking after ourselves (wellbeing choices around nutrition, hydration, exercise, downtime), through the environment we operate in (making the best of working from home – opening a window, scheduling proper breaks, designating a workspace and non-workspace) and the skills we can develop (listening, empathising, and connecting with others). These are all things we have control over.

Organisationally it is the same – controlling what is in your sphere of influence. This may be adapting products and services to fit with a changed world. It may be changing processes to accommodate new ways of working, and it will definitely be about investing in your people. From the hard stuff like technology and a decent chair, to the less tangible – care, time, and appreciation that is yours to give. The flow will return, and you will still be rooted in your core values.

For more about Resilience, you can contact me directly on LinkedIn or visit our Perform page.

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