Experts in customised learning
When you are looking to do more than simply share knowledge, our learning designers are experts in creating tailored e-learning to match your organisations’ objectives, timescale and budget.
You choose the topic and we work with subject-matter experts to carefully design online tutorials which change behaviour by bringing your employees’ everyday experiences to life through training.
Wrapped around this we will develop different learning interventions on a project by project basis.

Learning is memorable because it is interesting, relevant and fun
Our tailored e-learning is ideal when you need more than a tick box exercise for compliance topics. It is also being used widely to bring about cultural change and embed new ways of working, often as part of a wider programme including awareness videos, animations and classroom training.
Where we make a difference
How this works
No two learners are the same, so we build clever techniques into our learning so people can work at their own pace and follow a pathway which is right for them.
Our experts have a way of making the complex seem simple.
When your learning is ready, we will either host this on our secure learning platform or we share the files, if you prefer.

A track record of creating successful tailored learning
Just some of the organisations we’ve created tailored digital learning for.