Over the past few weeks, the world has been shaken by the death of George Floyd and the subsequent anti-racism protests across the world.

Like many organisations, this has prompted Me Learning as a team to re-examine our own stance on whether we are sufficiently proactive and robust when it comes to combating conscious and unconscious bias in our workplace.

Black lives do matter. When people discriminate against others because they are different, that is wrong and needs to be tackled. But more than that, when conscious and unconscious bias exists in the workplace it stifles the potential talent of individuals who would otherwise be able to contribute so much more.

All our team will be embarking on an online learning package on unconscious bias which we created here at Me Learning. We are doing this so, whatever our role, we can find out more about how as individuals we may be influenced by generalisation and stereotypes. We don’t want to pretend that this will provide all the answers, but we see this as an important first step for our team.

We want to make it easy for other organisations to join us and learn about their own unconscious bias. So, we are offering this e-learning course for free throughout the month of June.

Take a look at the course here.

As well as offering this course for free throughout the month of June, we are also providing a discount for a longer period of time for public sector and non-profit organisations wishing to purchase large number of licences.

It’s time to unlearn and relearn. Contact us for more information at enquiries@melearning.co.uk or via phone at 01273 091 301.

From the Me Learning team

#BlackLivesMatter #LeadTheChange #StartSomewhere

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