Health and safety in the workplace

Topics Include: Responding to accidents, Handling hazardous substances, and Legislation

2 hours and 20 minutes

12 months access

Unlimited replays

Digital certificate

Topics covered in this course include:

Health & Safety law | PPE| hazards | manual handling | accident reporting | RIDDOR | medication and Health & Safety | posture | musculo-skeletal problems | prevention |signs |emergency procedures | evacuations | emergency services | the accident book

Health and Safety isn’t about wrapping people in cotton wool – it is everyone’s responsibility – a little care can make everyone’s lives safer and healthier. It’s about avoiding long-term health problems and reducing risk of injury. This easy-to-understand course gives everyone the knowledge they need to stay safe at work.

  • Describe what health and safety is, who regulates it, and what is required by law
  • Effectively deal with emergencies that may arise
  • Optimise your working environment to avoid injury whilst working with display screen equipment

  • Introduction to health and safety
  • Staying healthy at work
  • Emergencies

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  • Or host on your own platform using our SCORM connectors
  • 200+ courses available (view course list PDF)
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£30.00 Excl. VAT

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