Originally raised during the Queen’s speech in June, the draft Data Protection Bill was introduced to the House of Lords by the government last week and, when approved, will replace the current Data Protection Act 1998 as well as supplementing the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect in May 2018.
This new piece of legislation will be debated fully in Parliament on 10th October, but in the meantime, what are the potential implications and what does it mean for you?
Culture Secretary, Karen Bradley said: “The Data Protection Bill will give people more control over their data, support businesses in their use of data, and prepare Britain for Brexit. In the digital world strong cyber security and data protection go hand in hand. This bill is a key component of our work to secure personal information online.”
Good news. But what are the core elements you should know about? And how will it affect how your organisation works?
This Data Protection Bill will:
- Make UK data protection laws fit for the digital age in which an ever-increasing amount of data is being processed
- Empower people to take control of their data
- Support UK businesses and organisations through the change
- Ensure that the UK is prepared for the future after we have left the EU
The Government has made a fact sheet available that provides a good overview of what is included and what you should know at this stage.
Me Learning will soon be launching a full suite of GDPR e-learning courses that will include the most up to date references to legal requirements set out in the final Data Protection Bill.
If you are interested in learning more visit our GDPR page , email us , or call a member of our team on 01273 499 100 to find a package that meets your organisation’s needs.